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Parties (Birthday, Anniversary, etc.) that take place during operational hours, offers your group a discounted admission rate of $4 per person of 10 or more (swimming or not swimming). You are allowed to bring in your own food and reserve the pavilion. (No alcohol permitted). Weather permitting.





The Ber-Vaughn Pool has opportunities for private rental, to include schools, organziations, institutes, businesses, and large events and parties. Private rentals must be scheduled before or after operational hours and with at least 3 days notice.


1-75 People: $275

75+ People: $325




  • A $100 deposit is required at the time of reservation. This deposit will be applied to the total amount due. If you would like to schedule a rain date, a $50 non-refundable deposit is due at the time of reservation. The rain date reservation deposit will not be applied to the party.

  • Patrons are welcome to arrive up to 30 minutes prior to set up for party. Entrance to the pool may not be available until scheduled start time.

  • We ask that all guests leave promptly at the end of scheduled party time. Patrons are asked to remove all debris and place them in the proper trash receptacles.

  • The balance remaining for the party is due before the date of the rental.

  • The Berwick Area Swimming Pool, Inc. understands that weather may be an issue and cancellations may occur. If the weather is determined unacceptable prior to your arrival, a check will be written within two weeks and mailed to the address provided. Weather that warrants cancellations includes but is not limited to temperature, thunder/lightning, and excessive wind.

  • If the conditions before your start time warrant a cancellation of your party we will make every attempt to contact you using the phone number provided between 30 and 60 minutes before your scheduled start time. If such a determination is made but you wish to continue your party in cooler temperatures and periods of rain (thunder/lightning excluded) and wind you may do so with no change in fee.

  • If the weather changes at or after your scheduled start time and the pool management determines it is not acceptable to continue the party, you will be advised that you have the option to continue your party if you wish as long as there is no thunder/lightning you may be refunded a portion of your party in half hour increments for the unused portion of your party from the time the pool is vacated until the scheduled end of your party. Under no circumstances will management allow a party to continue during periods of thunder and lightning.

  • If there is thunder/lightning during your party and wish to remain at the pool you will be asked to exit the water and wait for an official notification from pool management.

  • In the event you cancel your reservation for any other reason your deposit will not be refunded.

  • If you scheduled a private party and do not show up for the first fifteen minutes, management reserves the right to assume you are not arriving and close the pool. In this case, your deposit will not be refunded.

  • A person over the age of 21 must be present at all times.


REGISTRATION REQUIRED. Click here to access and complete the party registration. Upon receipt, someone at the pool will be in touch with you. 

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