In May 2012, the Ber-Vaughn pool had fallen to disrepair. The Berwick Borough could not justify repairing and maintaining the pool on its own and decided to close the pool. The Berwick Swimming Pool Authority, now the Berwick Area Swimming Pool Inc. (BASP) was re-established in October 2012. BASP has taken on a capital campaign to redesign the pool area, replace outdated features, and make the entire property ADA compliant.
BASP’s mission statement is safe and affordable recreation to our region. The nonprofit group provides the necessary management for the pool to run properly and turn a profit each year. The volunteer board does most of the required labor, maintenance, and upkeep to keep the pool looking new each year. The re-grand opening in 2016, saw hundreds of children and families come out to support the pool for the first time in many years. With the help of donors and municipalities, the Ber-Vaughn Pool will be a safe, fun and recreational area to gather at for many years!
June of 2023, through the significant support of the Columbia County Commissioners and the Berwick Borough Council, the Berwick Area Swimming Pool Inc, was able to extend our waterpark to include a splash pad. The splash pad will allow for an increase of patrons as well as an increase in the play area for youngsters.
Special thanks to the generous donations of our community sponsors that made the BerVaughn Pool a reality.